Tag Archives: tiles

Saturday Update #2 – I am not good at this

It looks like I’m late, a whole week to be precise, but it’s time (finally) for another Saturday Update!

I started my job last week, and the work has certainly taken its toll on development time, but worry not, for I have still managed to get some things done!

Hyper Gauntlet

I’ve not gotten a huge amount done to Hyper Gauntlet. There’s been a lot of testing undertaken, and some more bugs fixed, but mainly I’ve been video editing and compiling. That sort of thing takes a while and I didn’t expect that.


  • Trailer
  • Launch announcement text

To do

  • Screenshots!
  • Pick a release date!
  • Difficulty tweaks


On the other hand, ZenCell has been flying along! So fast has it flown in fact that I should put a dedicated page up on here soon.

Most importantly, you can now see a trailer of sorts for it, including typical game play. Do me a favour and check it out.


  • Loading
  • Saving
  • Main menu
  • Intro
  • GUI
  • Scoring
  • Trailer

To do

  • Tool-tip help
  • High score system
  • Fixes
  • Difficulty tweaks

That’s it for this week, tune in next time for another great Saturday Update!

PixelShit Wednesday Part 4 – Flaming Skulls Edition.

During a discussion on Twitter about how bad we all were at pixel art (or art in general) the idea was had to start a weekly… something where budding artists (provided they were terrible) submitted small, quick pieces of pixel art under the hashtag PixelShit. Pekka over at PrisonScape took the lead and regularly updates the PrisonScape page with each week’s challenge rules.

This week’s rules are:

  1. Same size as your tile set from last week
  2. A character
  3. 16 colours or fewer

I’m not sure I like this character very much, but I had to rush because I completely forgot it was Wednesday. I made a flaming skull-like creature, reminiscent of Doom 3 or Rogue Legacy. Personally I think it looks pretty bad, but I did try to mix up my shading technique a bit this time and introduce some cross-stitching. I also somehow only used 9 colours in this one. Adding more felt like it would clutter it up too much.

Pixel Shit dungeon character

And here’s a picture of it on top of my tile set from last week, further proof that I’m really, really bad at perspective.

Pixel Shit dungeon character superimposed on last week's tile set

What do you think? I’m eager for constructive criticism or pointers. Got any links to great pixel art resources? Post them in the comments, and don’t forget to check out all the other great #PixelShit entries!

PixelShit Wednesday Part 3: Bar Lowered.

During a discussion on Twitter about how bad we all were at pixel art (or art in general) the idea was had to start a weekly… something where budding artists (provided they were terrible) submitted small, quick pieces of pixel art under the hashtag PixelShit. Pekka over at PrisonScape took the lead and regularly updates the PrisonScape page with each week’s challenge rules.

This week’s rules are;

  1. 16×16 or 32×32 tiles
  2. A tile set
  3. 16 colours or fewer

This one was a lot of work, and I don’t even know if it properly fits together, because the tool I’m using doesn’t support tiling the sprites you make. I assume it does, because the colours are similar, but who knows. My favourite two tiles in this one are the torch and the drain. I really love the colouring of the water going in the drain and the shadow under the flickering torch fire.

Pixel Shit Wednesday Dungeon Tileset

What do you think? I’m eager for constructive criticism or pointers. Got any links to great pixel art resources? Post them in the comments, and don’t forget to check out all the other great #PixelShit entries!