Category Archives: ZenCell

ZenCell is a calm, sudoku-inspired colour game.

Saturday Update #2 – I am not good at this

It looks like I’m late, a whole week to be precise, but it’s time (finally) for another Saturday Update!

I started my job last week, and the work has certainly taken its toll on development time, but worry not, for I have still managed to get some things done!

Hyper Gauntlet

I’ve not gotten a huge amount done to Hyper Gauntlet. There’s been a lot of testing undertaken, and some more bugs fixed, but mainly I’ve been video editing and compiling. That sort of thing takes a while and I didn’t expect that.


  • Trailer
  • Launch announcement text

To do

  • Screenshots!
  • Pick a release date!
  • Difficulty tweaks


On the other hand, ZenCell has been flying along! So fast has it flown in fact that I should put a dedicated page up on here soon.

Most importantly, you can now see a trailer of sorts for it, including typical game play. Do me a favour and check it out.


  • Loading
  • Saving
  • Main menu
  • Intro
  • GUI
  • Scoring
  • Trailer

To do

  • Tool-tip help
  • High score system
  • Fixes
  • Difficulty tweaks

That’s it for this week, tune in next time for another great Saturday Update!