And they’re off!

The Arbitrary Gamejam #2 has officially started. Grab some caffeine, grab some snacks and get ready to power through the first few hours of the jam, still high on creativity and madness.

Remember, your themes are: Concludent, Scrimping and Defenestration. You don’t have to use all of them, but your gameĀ must use at least one of them.

The submissions post will go live at midday 12:00 PM, GMT on Sunday, and feel free to resubmit as many times as you like up until the closing time of 12:00 PM Monday, GMT, but bear in mind that if you submit after 00:00 AM Monday GMT and attempt to resubmit, I will ignore the new build (unless it’s to fix an unexpected crash – I’m not evil).

And while we’re on the subject, try your best to make it as easy for us all to play as possible. A web version is great, executables are fine (try to support Windows at least, although I do have access to a Mac), but the more options you give us, the more people will play your game.

Good luck contestants and see you at the finish line!

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