Tag Archives: support

A proper bug ticketing system for Hyper Gauntlet

Help deskI’ve been lazy on this front for far too long, and I have to admit I’m starting to feel the repercussions. If you’ve told me about a bug, feature request or had a question about Hyper Gauntlet in comments, on Twitter, Facebook or App.net, on Reddit, IndieDB or on GameJolt, I’ve done my best to make a note of it.

These notes are now overflowing.

So I’ve migrated to FreshDesk. It’s now empty, but if you’ve found a bug, have a question about Hyper Gauntlet or have thought of something that would make the game even better, you can tell me about it by following this link. Sign-up is not required. And don’t worry, I’m not going to just ignore you, either. I’ve set it up to send me annoying emails if I don’t answer you quickly enough.

Over the next few hours I’ll start populating FreshDesk with the list of bugs, questions and feature requests you’ve sent me over the last few months, but it’s very likely that some of them have gotten buried, or that I think something is fixed when it isn’t. If there’s an issue or idea you know of that you think I should know, go ahead and send it. I won’t mind if I’ve already got it written down.

As far as progress goes, I’ve been fixing bugs and whacking background code into shape. Look forward to a considerably more stable build this Feedback Friday!