During a discussion on Twitter about how bad we all were at pixel art (or art in general) the idea was had to start a weekly… something where budding artists (provided they were terrible) submitted small, quick pieces of pixel art under the hashtag PixelShit. Pekka over at PrisonScape took the lead on the thing and has formally started it. The first week’s rules are;
- 16×16 or 32×32 image
- A character
- 8 colours or fewer
I actually created two characters. The first is a farmer, I think. It’s really surprising how difficult it is to constrain yourself to just 8 colours, but I managed it in the end.
The second is a pumpkin, fitting with the impending holiday. I’ve named the pumpkin Stanley, because that is a good name for a vegetable.
So what do you think? These are my first two pieces of pixel art ever. I’m eager for constructive criticism or pointers. Got any links to great pixel art resources? Post them in the comments, and don’t forget to check out all the other great #PixelShit entries!